Getting hold of the parts you need for your car isn't easy! We know what it's like to be hunting for that one part for days, weeks or even months on end. This is why replica parts have become so popular.
We've seen the parts market flooded with fake car parts from steering wheels to starter motors and even wheels with an imitation part for seemingly anything. Replica parts have received negative reviews as often parts are untested and when fitted can seriously compromise the safety of your vehicle. In many cases instances where replica parts have been fitted have led to fatalities. Choosing a quality genuine part is not only the smart option but also the safe one.
Want to know if you're buying a replica part? Here's a helpful guide:
If the price is seemingly too good to be true it usually is. Consult your local parts expert who can provide you the going rate for the part you need.
Genuine parts are stamped with part numbers and these are made readily available by the seller. If you can't access a part number chances are you're buying a fake.
There has been a boom in the supply of replica car parts from the Far East, especially Taiwan and China. Be careful when buying from these locations and ensure that you are provided images of the part and its packaging. A tell-tale sign of a fake part is a plain box containing no part or serial numbers and often misspelling will be present.
Whilst we aren't blind to the growth of replica parts we recommend that you try us and buy genuine parts with peace of mind! We have 90 years' experience providing quality used car parts which have been subjected to extensive testing before being shipped. Every part has a part number provided and comes with a 90 day warranty as standard. The most popular reason for choosing replica parts is price but with us you can save up to 90% vs new! Visit our online store and get a genuine part for less. Don't compromise on safety!